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Cheerful Garden Bouquet


urprise someone special with the Cheerful Garden Bouquet, providing a sunny splash of color to any setting. Artistically designed and hand-tied, it is impossible not to smile looking at these vibrant yellow blooms with hints of purple and hot pink. This bouquet is arranged with care and has an upscale look. Whether for a gift or for yourself, this cheerful bouquet is sure to delight.

Shipped in a box that measures 27 inches in length, the bouquet should be cut to the appropriate length and hydrated in a vase with the flower food provided. Please follow the care and handling instructions provided and use the flower food packets as directed. Flower food and care instructions are provided.

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Can be shipped to: india India
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  • Pick Your Arrival Date At Checkout
  • Holiday Shipping Restrictions (See Details)
  • Gift Messaging Available At Checkout
  • Vase Not Included
  • Warning: Not For Human or Animal Consumption

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